
Prep Enrolments for 2026 are now open.


To be eligible to enrol for Prep 2026, your child will need to turn 5 years of age by 30th April 2026.


School Tours
In order to assist you in making this especially important and exciting decision, our Principal, Michael Kent conducts private tours which will give you the opportunity to ask one on one questions. To register for a tour please contact our office on 9435-4617 or email the school with your contact details.


Enrolment Process
Enrolment forms may be collected from the school office or via the enrolment form link.
Documentation required includes:

  • a completed Enrolment Form
  • a copy of the child’s birth certificate or passport and visa as appropriate
  • an immunisation certificate (this can be added later as the vaccinations are completed)
  • proof of the address of family residence (utility bill to family name/lease agreement)


Acceptance Criteria
Enrolments will be accepted according to the following criteria:

  1. Families for whom our school is the their zone.
  2. Students who have siblings studying at Watsonia Heights Primary School currently.
  3. Families living in the City of Banyule (limited vacancies - accepted according to school proximity and receipt of enrolment).
  4. Families living outside of Banyule will be considered on an individual basis


Confirmation of Enrolment
Enrolments will be confirmed via email/mail acceptance.


Transition Program
A Transition Program will be held in Term 4 for all enrolled Preps.



© Copyright Watsonia Heights Primary School