
Classroom Helpers

Classroom Helpers are an indispensible part of the Watsonia Heights Primary School community and do a variety of activities to assist in classroom learning.


Working Bees

Working Bees organised by the Buildings and Grounds Sub-Committee help keep Watsonia Heights Primary School looking beautiful and are run two to three times a year on a weekend. They usually run in the mornings and participants are rewarded with a barbeque lunch.

Language Motor Program

Language Motor Program (L.M.P.) is a language and gross motor program run during term two and three for Preps. Parent helpers are trained and without their assistance the program could not run.

Student Cover - Insurance

Over the past 12 months there has been significant media exposure to situations where children have been severly injured at school yet have not been covered by insurance.  StudentCover was developed to give parents and guardians a helping hand when they need it most.  The annual cost of a StudentCover policy is just $29.00.  StudentCover is only available online - making it quick and easy to protect your child or children.  For more information simply go to www.studentcover.com.au and click APPLY NOW. 


Volunteer Child Safety Induction Pack 2024

Please provide your Working With Children Card to the office annually, and sign in and out of the office upon completing your volunteering session.

We appreciate your time in helping out at our great school.


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